Construction Engineering and Management BEU Question Paper Solution

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Construction Engineering and Management BEU Question Paper Solution

Construction Engineering and Management  BEU Question Paper Solution:-  In This article, I have provided the solution of Construction Engineering and Management BEU Previous year's question paper along with its Solution that might be similar and high chance of coming in BEU upcoming examination. I tried to make the solutions very simple and kept the language easy so that each and every student could understand it.

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Construction Engineering and Management BEU Question Paper Solution

This Blog is to provide BEU Solutions to past year's question papers in Construction Engineering and Management assisting Students in their exam preparation

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BEU PYQ (Previous Years Question) Papers 

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1. Choose the correct option of the following.

(a) For establishing and maintaining priorities among the various jobs of a project, the technique is known as
(i) critical ratio scheduling
(ii) event flow scheduling technique
(iii) slotting technique for scheduling
(iv) short interval scheduling

(b) in the case of CPM, the performance of a specific task is known as
(i) dummy
(ii) event
(iii) contract
(iv) activity

(c) Military organization is also called as
(i) line organization
(ii) line and staff organization
(iii) functional organization
(iv) None of the above

(d) Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
(i) The activity is the time-consuming part of a project.
(ii) The beginning and end of a job, are called events.
(iii) The activity which consumes maximum time, is called a node.
(iv) Logically and sequentially connected activities and events form a network.

(e) Without affecting the start of succeeding activities, the time by which activity completion time can be delayed, is known as
(i) duration
(ii) interfering float
(iii) Jia free float
(iv) total float

(f) In a bar chart, the various activities of a project, are shown by
(i) vertical lines
(ii) horizontal lines
(iii) dots
(iv) crosses

(g) The time that is responsible for the least possible construction cost of an activity, is
(i) normal time
(ii) crash time
(iii) standard time
(iv) slow time

(h) If an activity has its optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic times as 2, 3, and 7 respectively, then its expected time and variance are respectively
(i) 3-5 and (5/6)
(ii) 5 and (25/36)
(iii) 3.5 and (25/36)
(iv) 4 and (5/6)

(i) A critical ratio scheduling
(i) determines the status of each activity
(ii) adjusts automatically changes in activity progress
(iii) is a dynamic system
(iv) None of the above

(j) A machine costs 20,000 and its useful life is 8 years. The money is borrowed at 8% interest per annum. The capital recovery factor at 8% interest per annum for 8 years is 0-174. The annual equipment cost of the machine will be
(i) 1,740
(ii) 3,480
(iii) 5,220
(iv) 6,960

All in one BEU PYQ solution PDF is Provided below

2. Assess the present construction infrastructure in India. Give the remedial measures keeping in mind the economic feasibility. Categorize the different construction works. Explain the different criteria for the selection of a site for a project.

3. What is the critical path method? Prepare the network as per the data given in Table 1 and compute in a table their early start, early finish, late start, and late finish times. Determine the critical path and find the total float and free float for all the activities:

4. What do you mean by PERT and what is its significance? As per the network shown in Fig.1, find the expected time for each of the paths. Also, find the critical path as well as the expected time for the project completion:

5. Write the factors to be considered for precast concrete construction. What do you mean by scaffolding? A project takes 20 days along the critical path and has a standard deviation of 4 days. What is the probability of completing the project within (a) 20 days, (b) 24 days, and (c) 18 days?

6. Compare the characteristics and application of the different types of earth excavating equipment. Estimate the output of a bulldozer for the following operating conditions:

(a) Material Sandy loam topsoil
(b) Swell - 25%
(c) Haul distance - 45 m
(d) Mould board size - 30 m long, 10 m high
(e) Rated mold board capacity -3 cu.m loose volume
(f) Operating factor - 50 min/hr
(g) Probable round trip time - 1.87 min

7. Explain the application of BIM in the project

management. What are the safety measures to be considered on the construction site? A target date of completion is to be forecast based on the following information: Item A takes 7 weeks to complete; Item B takes 5 weeks; Item C depends on the completion of both A and B and requires 3 weeks; Item D follow-up of Item C and requires 2 weeks. Prepare a Gantt chart for scheduling the completion date.

8. Explain the importance of organization in construction activities. What are the methods of scheduling?

For the construction of a guesthouse, certain activities are to be performed as shown in Table 2. Activities 2 and 3 can be performed simultaneously and can start only when Activity 1 is completed. Activity 4 can start only after Activity 2 ends. Activity 5 cannot begin until activities 2 and 3 are completed. Activity 6 can start only after Activities 4 and 5 are completed. Activity 7 is the last activity and this can commence only after the completion of Activity 5:

(a) Prepare a bar chart for the project.
(b) What is the total time taken for the completion of the project?

9. What is called liquidated damage? What do you mean by direct cost and indirect cost? The following Table 3 gives the data for the duration and costs of each activity of and project network shown in Fig. 2. The indirect cost of the project is 3,000/week. Determine the optimum duration of the project and the corresponding minimum cost. Draw the time-scaled version of the network:

Solid and Hazardous Waste Management: BEU PYQ Solution

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