BEU PYQ Solution: Digital Image Processing

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BEU PYQ Solution: Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing BEU Question Paper Solution: In This article, I have provided the solution of Digital Image Processing BEU Previous year's question paper along with its Solution that might be similar and high chance of coming in BEU upcoming examination. I tried to make the solutions very simple and kept the language easy so that each and every student could understand it.

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BEU PYQ Solution: Digital Image Processing

This Blog is to provide BEU Solutions to past year's question papers in Digital Image Processing assisting Students in their exam preparation

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BEU PYQ (Previous Years Question) Papers 

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Course: B.Tech
Code: 100815

1. The marks are indicated in the right hand margin.
2. There are NINE questions in this paper.
3. Attempt FIVE questions in all.
4. Question No. I is compulsory.

Q.1 Write the answer of the following (Any seven questions only):

(a) In ______ image we notice that the components of histogram are concentrated on the higher side on intensity scale.
(i) bright
(ii) dark
(iii) colorful
(iv) all of these

(b) In which steps of the processing, the images are subdivided successfully into smaller regions?
(i) Image acquisition
(ii) Segmentation
(iii) Image enhancement
(iv) Image restoration

(c) Ideal filters can be:
(i) LPF
(ii) HPF
(iii) BPF
(iv) all of these

(d) Each element of the image matrix is called:
(i) dots
(ii) coordinates
(iii) pixel
(iv) none of these

(e) Primary colours for reflecting sources are:
(i) red, green, blue
(ii) cyan, magenta, yellow
(iii) both (i) and (ii)
(iv) none of these

(f) Which of the following is the first and foremost step in image processing?
(i) Image acquisition
(ii) Segmentation
(iii) Restoration
(iv) Wavelets

(g) Primary colours for reflecting sources are
(i) red, green, blue
(ii) cyan, magenta, yellow
(iii) both (i) and (ii)
(iv) none of these

(h) Which of the following is the abbreviation of JPEG?
(i) Joint photographic experts group
(ii) Joint photographs expansion group
(iii) Joint photographic expansion group
(iv) Toint photographic expanded group

(i) What is the general form of representation of log transformation?
(i) s = c log(1 / r)
(ii) s = c log(1 + r)
(iii) s = c log10(1*r)
(iv) s = c log10(1-r)

All in one BEU PYQ solution PDF is Provided below

Q. 2 (a) Explain the components of a general purpose Digital Image Processing System with a neat block diagram.
Q. 2 (b)  What are the applications of Digital Image Processing System?
Q. 2 (c) What are the disadvantages of Digital Image Processing System?

Q. 3 (a) Explain the following terms
(i) Log transformation 
(ii) Intensity level slicing
Q. 3 (b) With block diagram, explain the fundamental step in Digital Image Processing System.

Q. 4 (a) Explain any two of the following properties of 2DDFT with suitable equations:
(i) Convolution
(ii) Correlation
(iii) Separability
(iv) Translation
Q. 4 (b) Explain following image transform
(i) Hadamard Transform
(ii) Fourier Transform

Q. 5 (a) Define connectivity. What is the difference between 8connectivity and m-connectivity?
Q. 5 (b) If an image I is of 8-bit and has 1500 rows and 1300 columns, then find the following:
(i) Calculate how many megapixels this image has.
(ii) Calculate the size of the image.
(iii) Calculate how many pixels are required per inch, if the screen size is 5.

Q. 6 (a) What is meant by image subtraction? Discuss various areas of application of image subtraction.
Q. 6 (b) What are the elements of visual perception? Explain in brief.

Q. 7 (a) Define Discrete Fourier Transform and its inverse?
Q. 7 (b) State distributivity and scaling property.

Q. 8 (a) Enumerate the differences between image enhancement and image restoration?
Q. 8 (b) What are the derivative operators useful in image segmentation? Explain their role in segmentation.

Q. 9 (a) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Image Subtraction
(ii) Power Transform
(iii) Image averaging

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